得生位于广东省东莞市塘厦镇清湖头管理区,工厂现有员工30余人,产品包括铁类及非铁类件、管通类及其它精密金属配件。工厂引进了大型CNC机、水磨机、线切割机、全自动切管机、数控车床、数控旋压机、油压机、冲床,以及一系列自动化焊接的工作设备,先进的流水生产线等。工厂的零件自制率达80%以上,并严格控制供货商的来料质量。2017年1月, 得生正式通过UKAS质量管理体系ISO9001-2015认证审查。
Established on 6th June.,2017, TK CNC Technology Co. Ltd. , as a trading firm, is an affiliated company of Dongguan De Sheng Lighting Fittings Ltd. , with a view to supplying various range of products to customers, including both ferrous & non-ferrous parts, tubular items, and other precision metal fittings.
TK was established in order to meet the rising demand of CNC metal products and providing more diversified metal hardware to customers. In addition to the business development of high-quality lighting metal parts, our CNC Division with advanced technology and know-how, aims to further expand the professional CNC spinning, with conventional stamping and pressing metal techniques, in order to expand the business to other industries with high prospects & growth rate like furniture decoration, electrical accessories and automotive, etc.
De Sheng, as a professional manufacturer of metalworking products, has cooperated with famous brand of luminaries. With innovated technology, advanced equipment (e.g. CNC machining center, Wire cutting machine, Tube fabricating machine, CNC lathe, CNC spinning machine, Hydraulic press & Power press and so on) along with more than 30 skilled workers and talented staff, De Sheng is capable of new project design & development, high quality control on manufacturing process and always on time delivery with competitive price to the worldwide customers. De-Sheng had passed the UKAS Quality Management System ISO9001-2015 accreditation in Jan 2017.
TK CNC Technology Co. Ltd.
Email: sales@tkcnctech.com
Ms. Coco HUANG 黄小姐
Mobile 手机: +86-13580888768
Whatsapp: +8613580888768
Ms. LUO 罗小姐
Mobile 手机 :+86-13537391092
Wechat 微信 : 13537391092
Ms. Irene YEUNG
Mobile:+852-94268350 / +86-13600256330
Whatsapp: +85259388186 LINE: 85259388186
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